Windows: Sending sticky notes to another computer using the IP address

This post will tell you how to send a sticky note to other PC (computers) in Windows using it’s IP address. We will be using Notezilla for this purpose.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Send sticky notes through LAN

One really helpful feature of Notezilla is that you can send sticky notes to any contact across the globe. Your contact may be in the same network (LAN) or over the Internet. You can also send sticky notes to a group of contacts at once.

This is easier and faster than communication through the mail. Also, to maintain privacy & security, the sticky notes will be sent internally over the local network using the recipient’s computer name or IP address.

Sending notes through the computer name is a good option when you have a lot of computers to send notes. But what if you don’t know the names of all the computers? Just specify the IP address. You may even want to send the note to a particular computer rather than one specific person. You are thereby ensuring that the note reaches the computer regardless of who is using it.

Watch a short video that shows how you can do this:

To send a Notezilla sticky note using the IP address:

  1. Select a sticky note in Notezilla, right click on its title/toolbar and choose ‘Send To->Computer’ from the menu.
  1. A ‘Computers’ window will be displayed. Click on the ‘Manage Computers’ button to add a new computer or edit the existing ones.
  1. Click on the ‘Add Computer’ button and add computer details in the text box. The format will be – First name, Last name, computer name. Here, instead of the computer name, you can specify IP address also.
  1. Click on ‘Next -> Finish’ and finally select the ‘Send Now’ option.
  2. Your sticky notes will be instantly sent to the computer(s).

Allow Notezilla through Windows Firewall

Here are some points to ensure that the sticky note reaches successfully on another PC.

Notezilla should be installed on another PC also to receive the sticky note.

If you are sending a note from Computer A to Computer B. Then Computer A should have Computer B in its computers list. It ensures that the firewall is configured correctly. On Computer B, go to a sticky note and select “Send To Computers” and ensure that you have added Computer A. Only then you must attempt to send the note from Computer A to Computer B.

To troubleshoot further, make sure to configure your PC firewall to allow the running of Notezilla. The firewall on the PC might sometimes not allow to send or receive notes.

You can search ‘firewall’ in the Windows search box, and you will see “Allow an app through Windows Firewall.” Choose this option and enable Notezilla. If Notezilla is not listed, then click on ‘Allow another app’ and add Notezilla.

If you are using any other Firewall tool (usually included with Anti-Virus software), then you will have to configure that firewall.

Make sure you do this on both sending and receiving computer.

This way your contacts will receive the sticky note right on their desktop if they are a Notezilla user. If not, they will receive the note as an email. The note will reach safely even if the receiving computer is turned off.

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

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Searching for text within a digital sticky note in Windows

This post will tell you how you can search for text within a sticky note in Windows using Notezilla, a sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone etc).

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Searching for text

Sticky notes in Notezilla are not designed only for writing short notes. You can even use them as an alternative to Notepad. Notezilla allows you to work on sticky notes that are as wide as your display monitor. This way, you can use sticky notes to also store large content such as reference material, web snippets, scripts, drafts, etc. You don’t have to worry about saving your collected data to separate files.

While you store large content into the notes, you may find it difficult to manually search for a particular word or keyword in the long note. Say, you want to replace or remove a specific term but can’t find it.

Now is when Notezilla will help you. You just have to press the “Ctrl+F” key from within a sticky note. A search box will automatically open wherein you can type the text you are looking for. The search results will highlight in the note. You can even right-click inside a sticky note and select the “Find” option to do the same.
The results filter as and when you keep typing.

Here is a short video incorporating this feature:

If the word you are looking for is repeated several times in the note, click on the right-facing arrow, and the next place where it appears highlights.

Notezilla thus saves a lot of your time and efforts on searching for text.

So how about giving it a try today. It perfectly boosts your productivity!

The best part of Notezilla is that it can sync notes between your mobile and PC or laptop! Therefore, you have the exact notes at both places! Try the sync feature today! You will surely love it.

Learn more about Notezilla.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks :)

Sticky notes widget on Android phone’s home screen now possible with Notezilla!

Many of our users are happy with the ability of Notezilla to create Notes Browser widget on the Android phone’s home screen. We also received many requests to add a sticky notes widget.

And so here it is!

Happy to announce that it is now possible to stick single sticky note on Android phone’s home screen using the Notezilla app.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Widgets on home screen

Widgets are an essential part of an app. It gives users easy access to the app. Since sticky notes are an integral part of our daily phone use, we decided to add this widget feature to Notezilla sticky notes app as well.

Notezilla Widgets

Earlier, Notezilla only had the feature to create Notes Browser Widget on the home screen. For those of you who are new to Notezilla, Notes Browser lets you create, view, edit & group your sticky notes.

We, therefore, added a Notes Browser widget on the Android phone’s home screen, so it becomes easy to access and edit your sticky notes. You can view a list of notes (Recent, Due, Starred, etc.) on the home screen.

Notezilla now also offers the feature to create sticky note Widgets on Home Screen!

Using this ‘sticky note’ widget, you can stick an individual sticky note to the phone’s home screen.

Here is how your sticky notes would look on your Android phone.

How to add a widget?

It’s effortless. You have to long-press on the phone’s home screen and choose the ‘Widgets’ option. Scroll down to find Notezilla there.

Download the Notezilla app from the play store today and if you already have, just update it.

So how about giving it a try today. It’s free and also perfectly boosts your productivity by saving your time and efforts!

The best part of Notezilla is that it can sync notes between your mobile and PC or laptop! Therefore, you have the exact notes at both places! Try the sync feature today! You will surely love it.

Learn more about Notezilla.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks for your time :)

Automatically arrange memoboard sticky notes at Windows PC startup

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

If you are a Notezilla user, you would have regularly created sticky notes on your desktop and many directly in your memo boards too.
By now, you know that a sticky note created on the desktop will automatically be placed in the Home memo board too. Similarly, when you alter a sticky note, say, resize it on your desktop, it will simultaneously be changed into the memo board too. This feature also applies when you modify it directly in the Memo board.

Although your desktop is unaffected by this, your memo board view changes. Your sticky notes may overlap with each other due to this resizing and may not look presentable. You can try rearranging them manually, but this would consume a lot of your time, especially when you have a lot of notes.

This is why you should use one of Notezilla’s beneficial feature- Auto arrange sticky notes on startup.

This feature will automatically arrange the sticky notes in your memo boards whenever you start(open) Notezilla. You can do anything with your sticky notes now without worry since they arrange automatically the next time you use Notezilla.

This is how it would look Before:

memoboard notes

How would you sort this?

  1. Go to the Notezilla notes browser and right click on the memo board and select “Properties”.
  2. A settings box will open up. Select “automatically arrange notes at startup” and click “OK”.
  3. Memoboard Properties
  4. So the next time you open Notezilla, all the sticky notes in your memo boards would have been arranged in a neat and orderly manner.
  5. This is how it would now look:
  6. memoboard arranged notes
  7. This way, you don’t have to come back, again and again, to manually arrange the sticky notes.
  8. Here is a short video depicting this feature:
  10. For more tutorial videos, check out this page.
  11. Download Notezilla today for free.
  12. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.
  13. Check out our other cool products.
  14. Have a good day!
  15. Thank you for reading.

Stick multiple pictures on your Windows desktop using digital sticky notes

Remember Active Desktop that older versions of Windows supported? I had used Active Desktop mainly to attach multiple pictures on my desktop.

Adding pictures on the desktop makes it look attractive, fun, and gives you a happy mood to work.

Unfortunately, the newer version of Windows doesn’t support Active Desktop.

This is when i started using a sticky notes app called Notezilla to attach pictures on my desktop.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode
Insert Pictures Inside Sticky Notes

Pictures in sticky notes

With this, you can stick multiple pictures of your choice on your Windows desktop. You can insert images that already exist on your PC or copy pictures from any website and paste them directly into sticky notes.

How to stick multiple images on Windows desktop background?

Watch a short video describing this feature:

Copy-paste: You can copy pictures from any website and paste them directly into sticky notes. This means you do not have to download pictures every time to add them to your sticky note.

Drag and drop: You can even drag and drop them directly into the note, which will create a link to the site from which you copied the picture. Later, when you need it, you can click on the link and directly go to the place where the picture was.

This feature is handy when researching and collecting data on a particular topic. Saving time, efforts, and also giving a better view of your usually dull desktop. I even keep pictures of my loved ones on Windows desktop.

So how about giving it a try today. It perfectly boosts your productivity by saving your time and efforts!

The best part of Notezilla is that it can sync notes between your mobile and PC or laptop! Therefore, you have the exact notes at both places! This means, your pictures will appear there too!

Pictures in the Android App

Try the sync feature today! You will surely love it.

Learn more about Notezilla.

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Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks for visiting our blog :)

Attaching sticky notes to websites and webpages in Windows

With Notezilla, you can stick notes to documents, websites, folders, programs or any other window.

You have the right information at the right time automatically, without any effort from your side. This is because the sticky notes will pop up automatically whenever you access that particular document, web page, folder, program, etc.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

This article will specifically talk about sticking notes to web pages.

You would have frequently heard and seen people using sticky notes on their desktop to organize their tasks better. This practice is beneficial to keep track of things. You would have also seen them make notes for certain websites they frequently visit like shopping websites, bank websites, etc. But you would never have seen them pinning notes to sites to access the sticky note too along with the webpage.

How would you do that? Simple, using the Notezilla sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone etc.).

Watch a short video that shows how you can do this:

The shortest way to pin a sticky note to any window (website, doc, folder, program, etc.) is to press Ctrl+Shift+W from within the sticky note. The note will stick immediately to the active window.

To stick a note to a particular website:

  1. Open a website. Let’s take as an example:
  1. Choose ‘New Note’ by clicking on the Notezilla icon in the task bar and write your note.
  1. Click on the top-left button (Note Menu button) of the sticky note and choose ‘Stick to Window’ from the note menu list.
  2. A dialog box appears with the list of all the programs running on your system.
Stick to Window
  1. Choose the website where you want to stick the note.
  2. The ‘Hide note otherwise’ option will hide the sticky note automatically if you are not on that particular website.
  3. Now press OK.

Time to use the wildcard!

Notezilla uses the title of the window to show or hide a particular sticky note. Sometimes, you may want to stick a note to documents of a similar kind. In such cases, you would need to use the ‘wildcard’ method.

To match only a part of the window title, double click on any window title that is listed (shown in the picture below) and prefix or suffix the title with the * wildcard.

Ex: If you add * at the end of the website title*, then the sticky note will appear on all windows having the title beginning with ‘’
Similarly, you can also add * at the beginning of the window title, * This will match all windows having their titles ending with ‘’.


This is because the sticky notes are always shown based on the title of the website.

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks :)

Notezilla sticky note mobile apps improved

Recently we made significant improvements to Notezilla phone apps (especially iOS – iPhone/iPad) and also the Windows app.

Some of them include:

  • The iPhone/iPad app is easier to use, more stable and lot faster.
  • In all apps, you will notice that syncing of sticky notes happens more often.
  • Added pictures support in sticky notes for mobile apps.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Here is what one of our customers has to say:

Great piece of software replacing the way too heavy Evernote. The latest update is a major improvement and makes this the perfect companion to the desktop solution. Look and feel now very practical, synching works now without glitches. And fast and great support, the folks react fast to questions and suggestions – Baloo Tom

Thank you Baloo Tom.

Read more reviews or leave a review here.

Learn more about the leading sticky notes appNotezilla.

Have a good day.

Notezilla for Windows is now fully DPI-aware

New Update: Notezilla 8.0 for Windows is now made fully DPI-aware. Meaning, the sticky notes (and other elements) appear big enough on the 4k display monitor (Ultra HD). You can download the latest update from

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Here are various user elements issues fixed:

  1. Sticky notes
  2. Notes Browser window
  3. Sticky note toolbar
  4. Icons on sticky note toolbar
  5. Sticky note skins
  6. Reminder window
  7. Notes list inside Notes Browser window
  8. Color picker window


Notezilla 2.0 for Android is here! Added Widgets support :)

Dear Customers,

Just launched! A new version of Notezilla for Android. This version supports widgets! Also, the notes list is colorful, and notes can be shared with other apps and vice versa. Download today from the Google Play Store. Sync them with your sticky notes on Windows PC. Learn more about Notezilla.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

So what’s new in Notezilla 2.0 for Android?

  1. You can now add multiple widgets on your phone’s home screen. Each widget can list notes based on a filter, tag, or a folder. Just this feature can boost your productivity.
  2. Insert and sync pictures in the mobile apps.
  3. The notes list shows note color. So now, it is easier and faster to pick your sticky note. Color code your sticky notes based on your preferred category.
  4. Share your notes with other apps, right from the notes list.
  5. Create new notes directly in Notezilla using the share option in other apps.
  6. Fixed bugs

Download today – Notezilla for Android from the Google Play Store

Here are the screenshots:

Attaching sticky notes to Microsoft Word Document and PDFs in Windows using Notezilla

We create sticky notes for various purposes. One of them is to jot down information related to any document or PDF we are working with. While we create notes related to the word document, we have to find and open that note again and again whenever we open that particular document. This is a clear waste of our time and effort.

Notezilla therefore has a fix for this. It offers a unique feature to attach sticky notes to any document, folder, app, and website. The note will open along with the file, folder, or program it is stuck to and will disappear when you don’t access it.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Attaching sticky note to MS Word Document

With Notezilla, you can attach sticky notes to Microsoft Word documents and PDFs. This way, you will have the right information at the right time automatically, without any effort from your side. The sticky note will pop up automatically whenever you access that particular document or PDF.

This feature will help you access related information and accomplish your tasks faster and without added confusion. Moreover, you also have a wildcard (*) to support a sticky note to multiple word documents of a single folder.

Attaching a sticky note

Watch a short video on how to attach notes to Microsoft Word documents:

To stick a note to any Microsoft word document, right-click on the note title and choose the “Stick To Window” option from the menu, as shown in the below picture. Alternatively, press Ctrl+W from within the sticky note.

Stick to Window_

A list of all the currently opened windows will be shown, which includes Websites, Programs, documents. Select the Microsoft word document to which you wish to attach the sticky note, as shown in the below image and press OK. The note will stick to the particular word document.

Note: To directly stick a note to the underlying word document, Press Ctrl+Shift+W keys from the note.

Stick to Window

This is how it will appear on the Microsoft word document:

Matching only a part of the window title (Wildcards)

Notezilla uses the title of the window to show or hide a particular sticky note. Sometimes, you may want to stick a note to documents of a similar kind. In such cases, you would need to use the ‘wildcard’ method.

To match only a part of the window title, double click on any window title that is listed (shown in the above picture) and prefix or suffix the title with the * wildcard. As per this, the sticky note will appear on all the documents of a particular folder.

Also, the sticky note is just attached to the document in this system. It is not embedded in the document; therefore, it does not go along with the document if you share it with any other system or via email.

Learn more about Notezilla sticky notes app for Windows, iPhone, Android etc. Download free trial.

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Have a good day

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