Copying files without their folders using PowerShell alternative replacement tool

When it comes to file management, one common task is copying files without retaining their folder structure. While this might seem straightforward, it can quickly become tedious, especially when dealing with a large number of files scattered across multiple folders. Fortunately, Copywhiz offers solution. In this blog, we’ll walk through the steps to accomplish this task using both methods i.e Copywhiz and PowerShell and explain why Copywhiz is the ultimate hero for effortless file copying.

What is Copywhiz?

Copywhiz enhances your file-copy experience by letting you to have more flexibility & control over the file copying and backup process.

Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Verify copied files for data integrity
  • Retain security attributes of files & folders (ownership/user access)
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Here is a short video on how to copy files without their folders:

Copying Files Without Their Folders Using PowerShell

PowerShell is a powerful scripting tool included in Windows, Here’s how you can use PowerShell to copy files without their folder structure:


  1. Open PowerShell:
    • Press Win + S, type “PowerShell,” and hit Enter.
  2. Navigate to the Source Directory: Use the cd command to move to the directory containing the folders with the files you want to copy. cd "C:\SourceFolder"
  3. Run the Copy Command: Use the following script to copy all files from subfolders to a single destination folder: Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination "C:\DestinationFolder" }
    • Get-ChildItem retrieves all files recursively from the source directory.
    • Copy-Item moves the files to the destination folder.
  4. Verify the Results: Check the destination folder (C:\DestinationFolder) to ensure all files were copied successfully.

Why choose Copywhiz:

  • User-Friendly Interface: No need for scripts or commands.
  • Advanced Filters: Easily include or exclude files based on file type, name, or date.
  • Conflict Resolution: Automatically handles duplicate filenames.
  • Preview Feature: Ensures you copy exactly what you need.
  • Time-Saving: Significantly faster for repetitive tasks.


Copywhiz comes with a steep learning curve and lacks the flexibility and convenience. Copywhiz stands out with its intuitive interface, advanced filtering options, and unique “Paste without folders” feature. Whether you’re a casual user or a professional, Copywhiz transforms file copying into a hassle-free experience.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

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