Copy just the files without their folders in Windows

The new build of Copywhiz that we launched today allows you to copy just the files (without their folders) to a single folder. This feature is useful when you are collecting your favorite pictures or music files from different directories using Copywhiz and wish to copy them all to one directory without their containing directories. Example: On a USB pen drive, etc. Very good for organizing several files together.

What is Copywhiz?

Copywhiz enhances your file-copy experience by letting you to have more flexibility & control over the file copying and backup process.

Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Verify copied files for data integrity
  • Retain security attributes of files & folders (ownership/user access)
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

We have a short video on this feature for you:

Learn more about Copywhiz

Notezilla Customer Story

Here is what Kris wants to share

This last week I experienced a major computer “crash” and lost everything including my information about my Notezilla application. In the stress of the busy week, I couln’t even remember the NAME of the product or website! I searched and searched the web for “stickie notes”, “desktop notes” etc. Nothing came up that I remembered or that was familar – Sooooo. I tried to download “other” product trial offers.UGH. I tried them and deleted them within a day. They were not intuitive, they werer clumbsy and intrusive. I was almost ready to stop looking when I ran across a website doing “reviews” of desktop notes — there I saw it NOTEZILLA! I now have you back on my desktop. Without a dobut, out of everything out there for desktop notes, you’re product is perfection. Perfect in everyway that a desktop note should help and support a busy person being more productive.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

Thanks :)

Sticky Notes & ‘Show Desktop’ feature of Windows

Dear Notezilla users,

The ‘Show Desktop’ icon in the Windows taskbar intends to show the complete desktop without any windows. This icon includes Notezilla sticky notes too. Clicking on the ‘Show Desktop’ icon will hide all sticky notes also.

For this reason, Notezilla installs another icon called ‘Bring Notes On Top’ in the same taskbar. Clicking on this icon will bring the notes on top of all the open windows. Alternatively, you can use the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+T to bring the notes on top.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode


A must have document, folders and website launcher!

Thanks to Lee Garber for his excellent review on RecentX Launcher

A must have document, folders and website launcher!
I have heard much about RecentX and decided to try it. It’s truly a great and time saving program.

Recent X is a fast file launcher. It allows you to open recently used documents, media, folders and websites in a flash. But why use it you ask? Why not open these files and folders manually? The answer is the fortune of time and aggravation you will save using RecentX and the refreshing convenience that comes from use of well designed program.

RecentX puts all your recently used documents, media, folders and websites in an easy accessible and searchable hotkey triggered list for super fast identification and access. The most recently used files, folders, programs and websites get priority.

Want to keep working on a Microsoft Word document you were editing yesterday, last week, last month, and know its name but forgot where you saved it in your tree file structure? Call up Recent X with CTRL+SHIFT+1 and your recently used documents list will be in front of you, type a bit of the file name you are after and in a flash and your document is there, and you can open it and work on it with a minimum of fuss. All I can say is wow! Increased productivity here I come! Also hotkeys are configurable.

The program can also be accessed from the system tray or from clicking on a floating tab panel. Best of all it is not complicated and it is user friendly and intuitive. Microsoft why don’t you design software like this?

Better still you can easily configure it to open folders in any file manager of your choice. You can drag your recently used files right out of Recent X as attachments into e-mail – which is just awesome – it is worth buying for this alone. Recent X even allows you to cut recently used files from your recent files list and you can them paste them to locations of your choice within the folder list of Recent X itself!

You can also list all matching items in searches you conduct so your searches are not limited to recent documents, media, folders and websites only. Also the Windows explorer menu is also accessible while in Recent X.

In short Recent X is a wonderful, well thought out application that will save you a fortune of time, aggravation and money once you use it and you will soon wonder how you ever got by without it.

I strongly recommend you purchase a copy. It will pay for itself in no time!

Notezilla with other language dictionaries

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). You can also access your sticky notes from a Mac.

Notezilla helps you organize various tiny bits of information you would need through out your life. It keeps all your notes, tasks & reminders handy where ever you are. With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Quickly jot down & move on with your task at hand. 

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents, folders & apps
  • Organize sticky notes inside folders to keep your Windows desktop clean.
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network (LAN) or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Fully transparent sticky notes
  • Dark mode

By default, Notezilla comes with English language dictionaries. Here is a trick suggested by one of our customers ‘RM’ to make Notezilla work with Spanish, French, German, Italian & Dutch dictionaries.

Sticky Note With Unicode Support

Quote from ‘RM’

I found one solution through Jarte 4.1 from Carolina Road Software.

Jarte is a free WordPad Word Processing Engine (.tlx,.clx, .dic) that includes these spelling dictionaries: English (American, British, & Canadian), Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch.

Install Jarte on C:\ Disk and copy the two french spelling files
(sscefr.tlx and sscefr2.clx) in C:\Conceptworld\Notezilla\Dictionaries
and then, change the Main Dictionary language inside Notezilla Spelling Options for French (Canadian or European).

For example, try a simple text in French like Ceci est un Essai (This is a test), with these errors Cecci esst un esssai, and the french spelling dictionary will correctly suggest Ceci est un Essai.

Thanks for all the support and the awesome reviews.

RecentX and Mac

One of our customers Harold Hauer has shown a way to access both Mac & Windows files from RecentX:

I have been using RecentX for a number of years on my PC. About a year ago, I cloned my PC laptop onto my (new) iMac. I am running Windows XP simultaneously with the Mac OS under VMWare Fusion. When I run in Unity Mode, the Windows windows appear separately as programs are called, within the Mac space. In this Unity Mode, the Recent X bar appears at the top of the desktop, just as in Windows and provides instantaneous access to Windows AND shared Mac folders and files! This program has really simplified working in both operating systems.

Thanks Harold!

Making Directory Opus work with RecentX

RecentX lets you quickly launch any file, folder, program or bookmark. What is special about it is that it automatically tracks what file & folder you access. While it successfully tracks ‘file/document‘ opened in different file managers, it can only track ‘folder‘ opened from within Windows Explorer.

Recently John (one of RecentX users, don’t know last name) showed us an innovative way of making RecentX track files & folders opened in Directory Opus.

Here is a screenshot showing steps to configure Directory Opus so that RecentX can track the files & folders opened in Dopus.

RecentX & Directory Opus


Copywhiz 4.0 launched – Piky Basket’s new version

We are thrilled to launch the new version of Piky Basket called ‘Copywhiz‘. After receiving several feedback on the name ‘Piky Basket’, we have finally renamed Piky Basket to Copywhiz.

Piky Basket was part of a suite of products called PikySuite – a suite of 3 products: PikyBasket, PikyFolders & PikyTools. Out of all the three products, we have discontinued PikyFolders & PikyTools due to redundant features in Windows Vista & Windows 7. While PikyBasket has been retained as Copywhiz.

Copywhiz has many cool enhancements. Plus, it has been made simple & intuitive. The new version is very easy to understand and use.

What is Copywhiz?

Copywhiz enhances your file-copy experience by letting you to have more flexibility & control over the file copying and backup process.

Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Verify copied files for data integrity
  • Retain security attributes of files & folders (ownership/user access)
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Please do have a look at the benefits & features at the product website:

Thank you.

RecentX performance due to bug in Google Toolbar

Due to a bug in Google Toolbar, the size of Firefox history/bookmarks file (places.sqlite) bloats up drastically. Instead of being in the range of 20MB-30MB, it can grow as big as 300 MB. And it keeps growing as you browse more websites.

Google Toolbar, instead of keeping only nine thumbnails in Places.SQLite file. It stores the thumbnail of each website you visit.

This affects RecentX‘s performance as RecentX reads the history from Places.sqlite.

Here is a tool called CompressSqliteDatabase that can compress any sqlite3 database. As it was designed for RecentX, the tool automatically detects a firefox database and asks you if you wish to delete all the Google Toolbar thumbnails so that it can compress it back to a minimal size.

If you have Google Toolbar installed, then chances are that your Firefox history file will be too big.

Download the below tool to compress your Firefox history file. The file is stored under Firefox’s profile folder. Typically – %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ . Copy and paste this path in Start->Run window and press OK in the Run window. This will open the ‘Profiles’ folder. Open the right profile folder here. The profile folder is normally named as (something).default. Here you will find the places.SQLite file.

Download CompressSqliteDatabase from here


RecentX 3.0 Launched

We are pleased to announce the launch of RecentX version 3.0.

This new version of RecentX has been improved from many dimensions. Nice new features, better performance & stability, improved usability and attractive looks.

Learn more about RecentX 3.0
Know what’s new in RecenX 3.0
Upgrade to RecentX 3.0  
Just download the new version and install it over the existing one. Existing data will be migrated automatically. If you don’t wish to keep the new version, you may revert back to the older version easily.
In the next few weeks, we will keep tweaking the new version. Do let us know if anything is missing or if anything needs improvement.
Finally, if RecentX has saved a lot of your time in the past, please do mention about it in forums, twitter, blog or your own website.