Restoring QNP Notes Data from Backup

By default, Quick Notes Plus (QNP) keeps backup copies of its notes data inside the “Backup” subfolder under the actual data folder (My Documents\My Notes).

QNP keeps five copies of the notes data under the “Backup” subfolder. Each copy in a separate dated folder.

To restore notes data from a dated backup folder, follow the below steps:

  1. Exit QNP
  2. Copy all the files from the dated backup folder (example: Backup\2007-05-04\) to the actual data folder (My Documents\My Notes)
  3. Launch QNP. You must see all your notes successfully restored

2 thoughts on “Restoring QNP Notes Data from Backup”

  1. Built a new PC and want to fetch a couple of dozen notes from the old machine.

    Tried this several times – and I can’t make it work. There’s also an ‘export notes’ option in the menu – I get a file but there’s no ‘restore’.

    All in all seems a bit poor when the rest of the program is so good!

  2. Gautam Jain (Conceptworld) says:

    Hello Peter,

    If you can send us the list of files you backed up from the old machine then we will be able to help you restore the notes on your new machine.

    Email us: support-at-conceptworld-dot-com


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