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Is there an API that would allow me to programmatically work with  Notezilla ? Like create a new note or hide a note etc. If not, even command line parameters would do.

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1 Answer

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You can definitely use command line parameters in  Notezilla .

You can create shortcut files on your Windows Desktop, Windows start menu or in the Quick Launch toolbar to execute the following actions.

Note that when creating shortcut files, you must specify the complete address of  Notezilla .exe. Example: C:\Program Files\Conceptworld\Notezilla\Notezilla.exe /CreateNewNote

You can type the note content also after the /CreateNewNote parameter to create a sticky note with a pre-defined content.

To know more about the different command lines and their subsequent actions, visit this page:


There is no API as such.

by (31.2k points)
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