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I use many computers at multiple client's sites. I would like to use  Notezilla  for my sticky notes at each location, but I don't want to leave my notes on the computer when I leave. It is too easy for me to forget to manually sign out. Is there a way to set a timer to automatically sign out of  Notezilla ? 

Ideally, there would be a default timer that can be globally changed, and device specific timers as well. Example Scenario 1 I'm working for just a moment on a client computer that I almost never visit. I want to access a tech note I have about changing a default theme in windows 10. I want Notezilla to logout of my account and take my notes with it with 15 minutes of me last using it. 

Scenario 2 I'm working for many hours at client computer that I do lots of programming on. I want Notezilla to automatically log off after I leave for the day. I might want to set a timeout of 120 minutes. 

Scenario 3 I'm working at my home computer. I never need to log out of Notezilla, Additionally it would be nice if I could add and or restrict folders by device. On my home device, I want my grocery list. On a casual client device I want my tech notes. On a device that I program on, I want programming notes. On my home office computer and on my phone I want all my notes.

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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There are different things I can suggest:

We have a  Notezilla  Portable version. You can carry  Notezilla  on a USB pen drive and run  Notezilla  from the client system. So that you only have to plug your pen drive. No trace of your sticky notes remains on the client's PC.

You can download and install  Notezilla  Portable from our website http://www.conceptworld.com/Notezilla/Portable

Another suggestion is that you can access your notes from the Internet Browser via https://www.notezilla.net. You don't have to install  Notezilla  on each client PC. You can use the browser in incognito mode so that you don't have to remember to sign out.

by (31.2k points)
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