Your features said your software had the capability to copy files during system reboot. For example, I need to replace KernelBase..dll int the c:\Windows\System32 folder. However the file is in use by numerous processes during standard usage. How to I queue the version of Kernelbase.dll in need to replace with the the current version in C:\windows\system32. And while I am at it, I may as well replace the new 64 bit version I have which is in the c:\windows\syswow64 folder and again used by numerous processes during normal system operation such that I get the error message "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".
(FYI obviously it is not a permission issues or I would not receive the error message further I changed ownership of the current KernelBase.dll to "Everyone" and added everyone to the security group or user names and granted everyone Full control). Thank you