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I am trying the trial version of  Copywhiz  for the first time, and after queuing up several folders of files from my (Windows 7, 64-bit) PC, I discovered that when I right-clicked on my Android phone's SD card 'folder' (shown in Explorer), there was no option to  Copywhiz  --> Paste; just normal Paste, and it had a previous folder in it. When I right-click on other 'normal' folders on the PC, the Explorer context menu options are there; just not for my phone. Is there any way to  Copywhiz  --> Paste to a PC-connected phone? Perhaps connect it in a different manner?
in Copywhiz by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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"Yes,  Copywhiz  copy/paste will not work inside folders shown under Android's phone memory in Windows Explorer. You will need to use the regular Windows copy/paste to copy files."
by (31.2k points)
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