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Does  Copywhiz  allow to copy one file into 100 folders simultaneously with one click on a Windows Pc? So instead of making 100 pastes, we would like to do it all at once. In windows using Word, I tried copying one document into 100 highlighted (selected) folders, but it only copied to the first one. Please advice.

in Copywhiz by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Yes, it is possible using  Copywhiz . However, you will have to select all the folders on Windows pc where you wish to paste it.

To copy one file into multiple foders, follow the steps given below :

  1. Right click on any file and choose  Copywhiz ->Copy
  2. Right click any where inside a folder and choose  Copywhiz ->Paste Advanced
  3. Drag and drop destination folders over the "Destination Folders" window
  4. Click Paste Now button. That's all.

You can watch this short video for more clarity:

by (31.2k points)
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