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I bought  Copywhiz  a few weeks ago. I'm trying to save multiple folders onto a USB drive, however I can't get this to work. You have as options 'Add Files' which at first seems what I need, but upon selecting all the folders, it opens a folder and selects files, thus not working. You have another function 'Add Folder' which adds one folder. This does not work. What is the correct way to get it to select multiple folders and add that for copying?

in Copywhiz by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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If you are using the  Copywhiz  main window to add files or folders, you can simply drag and drop files & folders inside the top list.

A better way is to use the  Copywhiz  plug-in from within Windows Explorer itself.

Go to the folder in Windows Explorer, select the files that you wish to copy, right click and choose  Copywhiz ->Copy (Add to queue) option.

Selecting files in Copywhiz using File Explorer

This short video will guide you:

by (31.2k points)
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