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First of all let me say that I'm very happy with the functions of  Notezilla . We've found that it's become on our most used software applications. Suggestion: What I would like to see is an option that allows the ability to have Windows sticky notes to be attached folders and all of its file windows stored in that folder. WHY: I'm a construction Contractors, so each job I bid I keep separate in it's own folder with multiple files. It would be nice if when opening any file in those folders that notes applicable to that job open. So no matter if I'm working MS Access, Excel, Word, Project or bid related pdfs or images, I'd see the note open and not miss anything that I've might have jotted down regarding pricing it out. Thanks for the great product.

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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It is possible to set this up using  Notezilla  for Windows. This will require you to use the project name in the folder name and every document name. For example, if your project is Mercury. Then the folder name would can be "Mercury Project". Also your documents can contain the word Mercury. Like "Mercury Design.xlsx: etc.
Then when you create a sticky note and stick to the window, edit the title to be *Mercury* (note asterisks before and after). So the sticky note will appear on all documents and folders having name "Mercury".

by (31.2k points)
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