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I have three Computers at work and two at home which are all synced by  Notezilla   - this is working fine. Also the android app is working. Like Post-it´s the sticky notes are immediately fixed at the Windows desktop (I like to have the sticky notes always visible).
I use at least two folders (work and personal) and it would be great, if I could find a way to see all my notes (personal or work) at the computers at home but only the work-related ones at the computers at work. (xmarks offer a such a solution for links) Is there any way to realize this - perhaps a work-around using  Notezilla ?
in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Right click on the  Notezilla  icon in the taskbar (next to the clock) and choose Desktop notes/Show notes by/Memoboard from the menu to view sticky notes by memoboard. You can also view sticky notes by tag.

by (31.2k points)
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