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I work with 2 PCs, one at work and one at home. I work on both, and want to maintain a full hard drive of the same folders on each. To keep each PC updated with the other’s work I use a transportable external hard drive, with  Copywhiz , each week or so. I need to be able to copy file updates only. I’ve been using paste special: “paste only new or modified files”; however, I found that this copies a lot more than the files I have updated. Is there a way of copy/pasting just those files which have changed dates or new files?
in Copywhiz by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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It only appears that  Copywhiz  is copying lot more files. The copy progress window will show names of all the files. But actually, in the background it is comparing & skipping those files (not actually copying them). So a lot of time will be saved anyways.

by (31.2k points)
Many Thanks. That makes sense.
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