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I just purchased your  Notezilla  package and so far am immensely impressed. One question: Isn't the sync function suppose to be bi-lateral? If I make changes to sticky notes on my PC, I see the changes on my iPhone and iPad  Notezilla  apps but the reverse doesn't work - making changes to sticky notes on the iPhone and/or iPad doesn't seem to update the PC notes. Any suggestions.

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Yes, you must see updated sticky notes on all devices. Note that PC syncs changes within few seconds. After you make change on iPhone/iPad, either wait for a couple of minutes or right click on  Notezilla  icon on Windows PC, select Sync from menu and choose Sync Now button to manually sync and see your changes. This same window will have an option 'Sync Automatically'. Hope that is checked (selected) so that it syncs automatically.

Watch this short video about this feature:


by (31.2k points)
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Everything seems to be working fine. I am very pleased.
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Leading sticky notes app for Microsoft Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad etc.

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