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I am currently trying  Copywhiz  on two laptops at home.

It is running perfectly on my 64-bit machine under Windows 8, but I have problems with the 32-bit version running under Windows 7: after installation, any right-clicking in Windows Explorer causes a Runtime error, and I am therefore unable to access  Copywhiz  features. I have also tried to open  Copywhiz  as a standalone application, by clicking on the Startup Menu icon – this works fine on the Windows 8 machine but I get a “ Copywhiz  has stopped working” error message on the Windows 7 machine. Any suggestions.
in Copywhiz by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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  1. Please download and reinstall  Copywhiz  (32 bit version) from http://www.conceptworld.com/Copywhiz/Download on your Windows 7 system?
  2. Before installing, open %appdata%\Conceptworld\Copywhiz folder from the start menu. (Copy and paste this path in Windows Explorer or directly run it from start menu) and delete all the files & folders in there. If you had created  Copywhiz  projects, then you can temporarily move all those files and folders to some other location. 
by (31.2k points)
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