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Is it possible to have multi column checklists in  Notezilla  sticky notes? I don't know if that would be difficult to implement. Depending on if that is doable or not, you could also have tables and in the table you could put the checklist. Right now I have long checklists which could be reduced by having either tables or multi column checklists. Thanks.

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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 Notezilla  9 has support for Markdown, which will allow you to add tables inside sticky notes. Though  multiple column checklists is not possible.  Notezilla  does support regular Markdown based checklists. You would simply add the list like below to add a checklist:

- [ ] First line
- [ ] Second line
- [ ] Third line

Here are various checklist options:

Watch this video to learn how to format text using the Markdown editor in  Notezilla  for Windows.

Here is how a table looks inside a sticky note.

by (31.2k points)
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